About Percy

Experienced Corporate and M&A Lawyer look forward to serving your legal needs in Peru

My legal practice has been related to Mergers and Acquisitions, Reorganization of Companies, Corporate, Corporate and Financial Law, Due Diligence, Securities Market (Participation in Eurobonds, Public Offers to Buy, Sale, Exchange, Acquisition of Bonds, Commercial Papers, Securitization , Credit Link Notes, Trusts, etc.); as well as in Tax Law (consulting, tax planning); Arbitrator in cases between private, as well as between these and the State.


English, Portugues, Spanish

About CASAHIERRO Abogados

CASAHIERRO Abogados is a comprehensive legal practice firm providing high quality services to the most relevant economic activities of national and international interest. Our lawyers sustain their professional practice in the "confidence" generated in our clients and the "security" of our councils, dedicated to the excellence in the legal advice we provide, capable of innovating the market and differentiating ourselves from it, acting as legal advisors in their businesses, reducing their risks and making their management more efficient through the proper use of legal instruments.

We provide comprehensive legal services under international standards in a multidisciplinary manner to the actors of the private and governmental activity, with specialized legal products, appropriate to their needs and oriented to support the timely decision making in a safe and efficient manner. Our solutions are designed to reduce your level of risk exposure, reduce your transaction costs and allow you to maximize your benefits.

CASAHIERRO Abogados covers vital needs of national and international business, having a solid presence in the Peruvian market and extensive experience in the face of the competitive challenges that modern businesses must face today, so they work closely with customers seeking comprehensive solutions in business issues and the complexities of international operations.

Contact Percy


999 Jorge Basadre Avenue San Isidro Lima, ,

Time Zone