Mastering the Fundamentals: Know-Like-Trust
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Mastering the Fundamentals: Know-Like-Trust

“Know. Like. Trust.” is fundamental to everything else involved with building your relations capital to grow your professional practice. Often we spend so much time thinking about our practice, that we overlook the simple, almost painfully obvious things that can help our professional practice grow, right?

It starts by understanding how to master the process of “Know. Like. Trust.”

Relationships, with no doubt, are the lifeblood of any professional practice. To increase the growth of your practice, you need to be able to build a strong trustable relationship for the long term.

When it comes to building relations with your connections, it’s important to remember that people do business with the people they know, like and trust.

This means that you will do business with those whom you know, like, and trust. And also the opposite is true. Others will do business with you if they know you, like you, and trust you.

Here are some tips how to accelerate the know-like-trust process with your business relationships:

  1. The Know Factor. To “become known” to your relationships you can do many things like:
    • Get clear on your target audience: Don’t talk to “everybody”. Identify the target audience you want to build relationships with and tailor made your content to them.
    • Become a recognized expert: Use every opportunity to position and prove yourself as an authority in your field and develop a impactful personal brand.
    • Create the right content: Use to find what your relationships want from you, by doing research, ask questions, and ensuring you are truly listening to them.
    • Build relationships with authorities in your field: Connect and build long term relationships with relevant authorities in your field.
  2. The Like Factor. To be more likeable you can:
    • Be authentic and express your “distinct point of view” through everything you write, talk, present.
    • Be kind! It sounds obvious but unfortunately it isn’t. Learn to be helpful to other. With your connections learn to be more responsive, and generous with your time and your attention.
    • Give Attention: Listen, ask questions and give full and genuine attention to your relationships. Make everything about them.
    • Be generous: Share relevant and valuable content and promote other people. Do not expect anything in return.
  3. The Trust Factor. To gain more trust from your relationships you can:
    • Share & Give away value: Learn to share great value with your connections on a consistent basis.
    • Keep your promises: If you say you’ll will do something, keep your promises. Remember, it is your creditability.
    • Share testimonials: Let a third party vouch for you by sharing their experience of your work in their own words. It’s a great way to build trust and show your real value.
    • Apologize when you need to: You’re not always going to get it right. So learn to apologize when you make a mistake and say you’re sorry. Be authentic and sincere, your relationships will reward you for that.

When you combine the elements of know, like, and trust to everything you say, do and share with your connections, magic ignites. You stand out and become an authority in your field. Your connections will follow you with loyalty and ultimately become loyal clients to your practice.

What are some things you did with your connections that helped you build the know-like-trust with them?

If you’re ready for some high-profit fundamentals connection tips to accelerate the process of know-like-trust with your connections, check out this Master Class within our SWITCH community now!

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