Done-for-You Services

The innovative done-for-you services from The Switch™️, aim to help the busy professional to build your authority, build new and nurture existing relationships and grow your practice. We use our proven strategies and frameworks to make it happen for you. 

LinkedIn Authority Boost™️

You Become the Authority, We Do the Work

LinkedIn is by far most the important social network to reach out to build your professional network and your authority. The network allows you to build relationships, establish thought leadership, generate leads, gain insights, conduct market research, improve reputation and build online communities.

We know that you already have too much on your plate. That’s why we created this special service. We do the work for you.

We will leverage time tested prospecting and relationships building systems to build relationships with relevant connections (including your top prospects and potential partners), so that they will agree to a call or an appointment with you.

top of mind follow up legal business development - Itzik Amiel The Switch

Top-of-Mind Follow-Up

Eliminate Being the “Best Kept Secret”

Nobody likes following up, but…

…the fortune is in the follow-up. The professionals that figure out follow-up make more money and land better clients. It’s that simple.

And, the good news is, it’s just a skill. Anyone can learn it. No one is born with it and with the right roadmap and templates, you can be sending more effective follow-ups by tomorrow.

Based on requests from many of our international clients we created this special service to help you systemize your follow up process, so you won’t lose opportunities anymore. Stay top-of-mind with every new connection and client (without being pushy or nudgy!).

client relationships CRM lawyers legal business development - THE SWITCH Itzik Amiel

Clients Relationships: Manage, Nurture & Retain

Protect and Grow Your Current Clients Relationships

As a professional you invest so much time and effort into acquiring clients, yet very few professionals spend the same energy nurturing existing relationships. This is unfortunate, since a current client is much more profitable than a new one.

In an effort to grow your practice to the next level, you have to start prioritizing client relationships over things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. It’s hard work, but the payoff can be tremendous.

So, we want to help you make it happen with our clients relationships management services and ensure your practice’s success.

Thought Leadership Series

Get Noticed For the Right Reason, in the Right Field, for the Right People

Thought leadership can open doors to new opportunities for yourself and for your organization. It can transform your brand and position your organization as a leader in the industry. Moreover, thought leadership build right can have the power to persuade your firm’s audience. You can inspire meaningful change and create a significant impact in your industry.

We know how to do it. That’s why we created this special service, tailor made for your practice. We help you use relevant channels to start new relationships with relevant prospects and collaboration partners so you can confidently establish the right thought leadership that actually work. 

Global Virtual Summit

A True Gamechanger for Your Practice’s Growth

Our global virtual summit services and platforms are changing the game.

Apart from the obvious benefits in costs and time of holding a conference online, they offer opportunities and impact bigger than your physical conference.

You will generate more leads, enlarge your network of connections, establish yourself as an authority and grow your practice reach.

We would like to implement for you the powerful secrets we have discovered while organizing and delivering virtual summits since 2005 for many leading professional firms, professional organizations and networks. We promise, it’s a home run waiting to be hit for the growth of your practice and your authority... globally!

* To access one of our public summits, check HERE