Archive for Referrals

Asking for Referrals - THE SWITCH - YourNextReferral

The Right Process of Asking for Referrals

The traditional method of generating referrals is rooted in the hard-sell tactic: Asking every client if they can send you new prospects. What you’re really asking is, “Since I’ve done a good job for you, is there anyone else you know that I can help.” The problem isn’t effectiveness. The

Referrals system - THE SWITCH - YourNextReferral

Operate Your Referrals System

Building your referral system and an important task, but equally important is the way that you systematically and automatically integrate your referral system into the everyday interactions you have in your practice. Many professionals admit that they don’t get more referrals because they simply don’t think to ask for them.

Referrals system - THE SWITCH - YourNextReferral

Define & Design Your Referrals System

For most professionals, referrals happen accidentally as a result of doing good work or being in the right place at the right time. What if those valuable referrals could happen intentionally, as a result of doing work and putting yourself in the right place, with the right source, always at

Referrals - THE SWITCH - YourNextReferral

The ‘Reverse Referral’ Concept

The golden rule of  reverse referral concept is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. When you give a referral, the people on both sides should feel like they are being treated with respect.