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STAND OUT: From Immigrant to Immigration Lawyer

Remember that change is where opportunity lives. Without change, you and your legal practice will stay exactly where they are…frozen in time. With change, all things become possible! Which direction will you choose? Itzik Amiel and David Schwartz are hosting a new STAND OUT episode with one of ABA ILS members

mendalena perlashi david swarchtz abails #law #speaker #trainer #mentoring #iba #aija #lexmundi #terralex #tagalliance #multilaw #personalbranding #linkedin #mentoring #coaching #lawyers

STAND OUT: Rising From the Dust

In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, career development has become more than just choosing a job or climbing the corporate ladder. It’s about finding alignment between your skills, interests, and values, and creating a fulfilling path that resonates with your authentic self. Understanding the power of self-discovery is a crucial aspect of this journey, as it