STAND OUT: International Success Through Serendipity

Itzik Amiel

It’s well established that SERENDIPITY plays a role in business success. Some of the world’s best-known entrepreneurs (and even great professionals) believe that they got lucky. And while there are plenty of things that we can do to actively increase the odds of good fortune striking, it will take a

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How to Build Your Organizations List

Itzik Amiel

There are professional organizations for just about every professional career field that exists. Before you can start networking through professional organizations, you must identify which professional organization(s) to join and be involved. At a minimum, you should be able to find at least one or two professional organizations in your

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STAND OUT: International by Birth, a Counselor by Design

Itzik Amiel

There are two types of attorneys: lawyers and counselors. Both know the law and the legal procedure, but only a counselor understands THE CLIENT and THE CLIENT’s needs, goals, and values. A lawyer is great at reciting the law, whereas a counselor explains how the law applies to your circumstances

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Discovering Your Personal Brand

Itzik Amiel

Knowing who you are, what you stand for, your professional strengths, and what clients can expect when they hire you, will be key to your success both in terms of becoming better known internally (within your law firm) and externally (with your clients). I think I am stating the obvious

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Practical Strategies to Become More Likeable

Itzik Amiel

Likable people are invaluable and unique. They network with ease, promote harmony in the workplace, bring out the best in everyone around them, and generally seem to have the most fun. Add these skills to your repertoire and watch your likeability soar! Too many professionals wrongly believe that being likable

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STAND OUT: Becoming a Complete International Lawyer with a Whole Life

Itzik Amiel

A career path plays a crucial role in an individual’s professional life. It provides a roadmap that guides your progression in your chosen profession, identifying potential opportunities for advancement and growth. By understanding your career path, you can make strategic decisions about skill development, networking opportunities, and professional experiences that

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Stand Out. Build Authentic Relationships. Grow Your Practice.

With proven strategies, frameworks, and guidance, you can join other successful professionals as you grow your practice, build your personal brand, deepen your relationships and switch them to referrals and results.
Itzik Amiel -legal business development networking personal branding