
Tax consultant and Licensed specialist of International taxation „Ich habe Spaß daran, für meine Mandanten den besten Weg durch das steuergesetzliche Dickicht zu schlagen und genieße es, Steuerstrategien auszutüfteln und an komplizierten Einsprüchen zu basteln. Auch für mich sind Zahlenfriedhöfe langweilig, aber ich liebe es heraus zu finden, was dahinter steckt und was sich daraus machen lässt. Wenn sie eine Beraterin suchen, die mit Ihnen gemeinsam die Zukunft gestaltet, dann passen wir zusammen.“

fter completing my business administration studies at the University of Mannheim, I worked for a long time in Frankfurt am Main as a tax consultant in a world-leading consulting firm, where I advised German and international tax authorities. After intermediate stages in medium-sized tax offices I have since July 1, 2018 the law firm SSP in Ettenheim. My main fields of expertise are both national and international tax law matters for individuals and corporations as well as restructuring and acquisition projects. In addition, we develop tax strategy concepts for corporate and private use as well as for business succession.

I am an advisor specializing in business critical issues. I help clients navigate the interconnected financial, political and social worlds to build trusted relationships with all their stakeholders. From financial situations through to capital markets, crisis, cyber, employee engagement, and litigation, clients rely on our group for insight, advice, planning, preparedness, and campaigns. Our sector expertise combined with our deep seated knowledge of corporate communications and relations, means that boards turn to us during leadership transitions, for complex, cross-border work and business critical situations.
